Monday 23 September 2024

Book review - Sandcastles by Lily Lawson

This writer can write!

If you are familiar with my blog and reviews, you'll know that I have reviewed Lily Lawson before and that I've always enjoyed her writing. Having read both her Red / Orange collection of poems and a Christmas story (Santa's Early Christmas), I knew that Sandcastles would be a juxtaposition to my previous reading of her work and I was excited for this. 

I, myself, do not consider myself a poet as all my poems seem to rhyme and I end up feeling like Julia Donaldson! Therefore, I have admiration for someone who can so seamlessly switch between the two. Lawson herself (when asked) said this to me:

By default I am a poet, but I have written stories and non-fiction alongside for most of my life too. Every day I sit down to write never knowing what will come out until it does. Sometimes I use prompts (I have favourites I use regularly). It is my belief that my poetry comes from my soul, my fiction comes from my head and my non-fiction is a response to what is going on in the world. I enjoy writing all of it but if I had to choose poetry would always win. 

I like Lawson's explanation of her 'methods' as such. So, let's delve into some fiction 'from her head'...

Firstly, I want to say that I enjoyed all the stories in the collection and found it to be a good mix of humour and pulling on heartstrings mixed in with some that left me wondering! I have pulled out my favourites from each section here:


- The Dating Game: The Dating Game made me laugh. The boldness of the character and the unexpected turns it took. Sharp, witty and good use of dialogue versus thoughts.


- Surprise Discovery: The story Surprise Discovery is one of the longer ones in the collection and it's thought-provoking and left me with goose bumps (not for the first time in the book, may I add).

- Storm Chasers: This story is another one that pulls on the emotions. Great descriptions and excellent characters.


- It's in the Cards: Lawson writes with such heart and love. This story is beautiful. Enough said.

- A Shock to the System: Great pun on the last night. This tale made me chuckle!


- Bridge Echoes: This one will make you wonder and the 'Unexplained' makes sense. I loved the inclusion of the newspaper. 

- The Stranger on the Bridge: Ooooh...this story made me want to know more. Tantalisingly good and really made me think. I think I have worked out what, but I could be wrong!

My overall thoughts are that Sandcastles is just as good as Lawson's poems because she writes from the heart, in my opinion. These stories don't feel contrived or over-planned. They feel realistic, touching and like there's something behind most of them. I always enjoy when writing moves me - to goose bumps or tears, and Lawson is very capable of making me get right to the edge of my emotions and evoking each reaction. 

I have already, personally recommended Sandcastles and hope that further readers come her way after reading.

I wish Lily Lawson continued success with her work and I am glad that I purchased this collection. 

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