Tuesday, 21 March 2023


                                                                       Some shorts...

“Is it midnight yet?”

On NYE 2022 my parents were round and we had all been playing a game called Rummikub, but finished (we play it three times) before midnight and were starting to get tired. We stacked the tiles up ready to put away and I suggested playing a ‘Yes/No’ guessing game – select a tile without looking and have five goes to guess the number n colour etc.

I took one, gave it to Mum and asked some questions – got some yes, so no responses and then on go 4 I asked “Is it even?” to which she looked entirely blank and paused…At this point I think she doesn’t understand and how can she NOT understand what an even number is. She replies (forgetting her yes and no response) “I think so!”  This was followed by puzzled looks! She then says she needs to show my Dad to check! I shut my eyes. He says “Yes” at which point I twig – it’s a joker, which is technically worth 30…therefore IS even and that is why she hesitated! I really thought she didn’t understand!  

“Pass you your what?”

For many years now, I have not drunk alcohol as it doesn’t agree with me and I have to watch sugar intake too. So, on earlier in the night (same NYE as above) when I said “Please can you pass my Aveeno?” you can imagine my Dad’s face when he misheard me and started looking round for a glass of wine thinking I had asked him to pass me my ‘vino’ ...!! I had only specified Aveeno (hand cream) as there is a Neutrogena one on the bottom base of the coffee table too. 

“Didn’t you just do that?”

Same game as the first tale here – but this was on our pretend Christmas Day as I was unwell on the actual one (stupid Covid)… Dad moved a load of tiles whilst we were wondering what he was doing/why. He then went, “Oh no, it doesn’t work…” stared at his rack of tiles again, only – without pausing his go – then attempted what he had done AGAIN! 

To this, my Mum said, “Didn’t you just do that?” to which he replied he had but he was going to make it work…he didn’t and had to put them all back…again! 

THEN, when his turn came around again, he did it again but had one more tile that could be used and this time actually made it work! How we laughed though!


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