Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Don't always trust what a website tells you...


On Monday (the Bank Holiday) I called my parents and Mum said Dad had been silly earlier that day. I asked why and she said that he'd got himself all ready to go to the local gym at the usual time but she had questioned this, say it was probably open later as it was a Bank Holiday.

He replied that he thought it was open at the usual time, checked online and this confirmed what he said...

So, off he set - walking - only to return twenty minutes later SOAKING wet saying that it wasn't open yet! 

He has more willpower than me as, apparently, he set off again for when it was open. Meanwhile, in my house, I watched the C4 highlights of the Grand Prix and had been intending on going on the treadmill before having a shower. The conservatory was FREEZING, due to the rain and lack of sun, so I had a nap before my shower instead!

I did laugh when Mum told me about Dad and I recounted my alternative morning instead.

Anyway...I'm off to search for my willpower now...!

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