Thursday 1 August 2024

Book review (ARC) - Every Last Suspect by Nicola Moriarty

 Not quite what I expected...right until the end!

My review does not contain spoilers...

This book has a unique concept of the murder victim speaking to the reader both at the start and throughout. This, for me, was one of its strengths. I also liked how there were the three suspects and how each one had their own section. However, I wasn't as keen on the amount of other characters that were shown and I did get a bit confused.

Overall, I enjoyed the book but felt it more 'chick lit' and relationship based than I prefer - although I can see that in the book needs this to tell its story. If this is your thing - murder mystery mixed with chic lit etc then it's for you!

The ending wasn't what I expected and I did feel slightly let down. I would read this author again, I just don't think this was quite what I had hoped for. 

With thanks to Net Galley/Penguin for the chance to read it though.

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