Tuesday 29 August 2023

Fun at the wedding and a recommendation...

 "Have you wet yourself?"

Last year, a friend and I travelled to a wedding of a Uni friend. It wasn't near to the county that we live in and we didn't know any other guests - although everyone was super friendly and we had a great time.

As it was a beautiful sunny day we decided to sit down on the grass (it was a really rural setting) and shortly after had to move as the Pizza Truck that was going to serve the dinner had arrived and needed to set up. 

As we  stood up to move, my friend suddenly realised that she was itchy on the back of her thigh and then she noticed some red ants on the ground. 

Ever the teacher (other day job) I had some Anthisan in my bag so gave the tube to her and she disappeared off into the posh porta-loos!

When she emerged, she said that she was using the mirror (a gorgeous floor length one) to help her see exactly where she had been bitten/to put the cream on. However, a lady had emerged from a cubicle, seen her looking at the back of herself and asked: "Have you wet yourself?"

Slightly taken aback, my friend explained and when she told me what had happened, I had to laugh and said that at least it's not just me that gets myself into a pickle!

The friend whose wedding we went to is now a qualified cake designer and bakes from scratch. 
Here is a preview of her work, and you can find more information at: https://pmcakedesign.co.uk/

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