Lost, confused or something else? Part 2
Before you start reading, if you haven't read the post from last week then I suggest you go back and do so - or this won't make much sense!
When I was with Mum, we caught up with X and the man by going round the outside way. X had come across some dog walkers who hadn't wanted to help and as we re-entered the field we could see the man now off the path and in some wild flowers and grass that was quite tall.
I stood with X and my Mum approached the man.
She offered him a drink of water and this is how the conversation went:
"You look hot, would you like some water?"
"Oooh, mmmm."
"It's nice, look..." Mum had some.
She offered it to him and he took a sip, then said, "Ooh, it is nice - can I have some more?"
Mum said yes and then he finished it! We knew that he was looking hot and this reinforced our thoughts. Mum then asked all the questions we had, but didn't get anywhere either so we decided to phone 101.
After being on the phone a while, doing laps of the smaller part of the field, the man eventually started heading towards the gate that X and I had wanted him to. We had been hanging back so I could inform the officer of where we were, what he looked like, what had happened.
When we reached the gate, X asked if I minded her leaving as she needed to get to work. She went on her way and I followed Mum, the man and stayed on the phone to the female officer.
He crossed the main road carefully! Then we saw someone that we know walking her dog and thankfully she recognised him and was able to say where he lived to Mum and I. He was walking in front of us by now as I had caught up with Mum.
I told the officer and she said to follow and if he went into a property, call back and give the address. If he didn't, to call back and a patrol car would be sent. I received a text message reference number.
Kindly, the lady and her dog walked with us to ensure he went where she expected. And he did! He got his keys out of his pocket and went in the front door!
The lady then went off and on her proper dog walk and I said to Mum that - as I knew the people living at the next house to his (separated, not joined) that I thought we should knock before phoning the police as they may know more about him.
Their houses are at an L shape so when she and her husband said they don't see much of him, I wasn't surprised. Especially as he often uses the back gate, apparently.
However, she did then say a few odd things about him. He had also said something strange to Mum when she was walking with him that we weren't too sure about! Both things were about his family, but called into question in my mind as to if he was forgetful or something else was going on!
I won't go into detail here as I still can't be 100% sure that it's Ok to share - aka police matters. Anyway, what I can say is that he was often reluctant to answer his door and that there was 'history' with him and his address.
Therefore, I repeated the information she had told me when I called 101 back, telling them that it would all be on record from about five years ago and that his neighbours weren't too sure now about the state of things.
Later that evening, I had a call from the police, asking if we had definitely seen him go in. I said we had, so I think they HAD sent a patrol even though he was home.
The following day, I had another call to say that officers (including a local warden that I know) had again called round and that he wasn't answering. There were welfare concerns and that they would try again and that the doctors had been informed.
Just over a week later, the warden called again to say that help had been provided and thanked me for the initial phone call and follow up ones as - without support - this problem may not have been identified.
I haven't seen him around - not that I ever saw him before - and nor have I heard anything else, yet!
So, what with the 'smashed window' and bongo drums this then happening made that walk a VERY eventful one! Typical me!
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