Friday 5 July 2024

Book review - The Escape by Ruth Kelly


When Ruth Kelly released The Escape (having pre-ordered my copy) I was so eager to read it. I didn't take long to read it and was soon giving my reader feedback to her. Due to the blog tour, at the time, I decided to delay my review. The other day I realised I hadn't put it up - when I thought I had! 

So, here it is...better late than never!

This review DOES NOT contain spoilers. 

Having thoroughly enjoyed Kelly's debut novel (The Villa) I had high expectations for this and they were met and, in places, exceeded. Why only in places you ask? Because The Escape is SOOOO different to The Villa so they cannot be directly compared. Both are great in their own ways and it was great to see variety from her.

To summarise a few key things, I think, will help you understand why you should get a copy if you haven't yet. 

* Setting/descriptions - the authenticity of where The Escape is set - in France - is great! Kelly's experience of the country shines through and it was like being there reading it.

* Characters - each character is shown realistically, they are distinctive, well written and believable. I took to both female leads and understood both of their plights/wanted them to be Ok.

* Atmosphere - a large percentage of it feels creepy and I was all for this! At times, it even became claustrophobic and I noticed I was holding my breath, reading faster and faster at one point! I can't say which/why as I said no spoilers!

* Uniqueness - I can honestly say that I have never read a book like this! More below...

Overall, I found this book enjoyable and think Kelly's style makes for comfortable reading that flows. I'm sure you know what I mean - the books that plod along and are hard to take to are never my favourite. This is the total opposite. I was hooked from the get-go and wanted to keep reading to discover more...

Throughout, I was wondering what was happening/what was going to happen and I couldn't have been more WRONG! Eventually I had a few ideas, and started to join some dots, but not the enormity of everything with the clever twists thrown in.

This book was far from what I expected - and in a good way! Plus, the title is very clever - I will say no more! These were the points that I mentioned to Ruth Kelly after reading. Her response to my initial 'it wasn't what I expected' was that she wrote this one differently - not having such a clear plan. I commend this and know myself that whilst some stories need careful plotting, others work well having developed through a pantser.

After reading, I saw this article on Twitter (X, whatever you call it) and it's well worth a read but AFTER you have read the book.

Ruth Kelly: My close shave with death in the French countryside - Culturefly

Now, I am looking forward to Kelly's next book - The Ice Retreat - which I have been lucky enough to read an ARC of via NetGalley and is out in November.


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