"I wasn't amused!"
Tuesday, 26 December 2023
Massage hilarity - Part 2!
Tuesday, 19 December 2023
The next holiday tale...
Not relaxing...
Tuesday, 12 December 2023
Another holiday hilarity...
Sunday, 10 December 2023
Sunday Snippet - Madame by R.E Loten
I would have handed them over. I was ready to. All he had to do was ask himself. He could have had his letters back years ago if he’d just written to me one final time. Instead, he sent a lackey, a bully-boy and I’ve never allowed myself to be bullied. Just ask my late husband.
I think tomorrow will be the end. Once, I thought the end of the trial would also be the end of me, but my solicitor is clever. He knows people. They know people. It was a risk, but I think it will pay off. I certainly kept my part of the bargain, now it’s a waiting game to see if they keep their word. His word. You’ll forgive my scepticism, but I’ve had his word before and it doesn’t mean much. I love you. I’ll never leave you. And now he’s with her. Five years he's been at her side. Her, with her double-barrelled name. I got mere months. But what months they were! Thrown together in the midst of war, he took me from my own personal hell and catapulted me into a new life. Women who, had they met me in the street, would have crossed the road to avoid the putain, forced to smile and call me Madame, while their husbands, who had feasted from my body, could barely meet my eyes. Did they ask their wives to humiliate them, to beat them until they found fulfilment, or was that reserved solely for me? I knew better than to ask. Knew better than to tell.
You can read other stories from R.E Loten in:
https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CN9MV328/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2BX6PFAOS82IZ&keywords=words+from+wonderland&qid=1699981164&sprefix=words+from+wonderland%2Caps%2C77&sr=8-1Thursday, 7 December 2023
Book review - Santa's Early Christmas by Lily Lawson
I laughed out loud!
Tuesday, 5 December 2023
Part 1 - My parents on holiday!
Last month, my parents went on holiday to Cyprus. My Dad changed his alarm clock to two hours ahead and set the alarm for the time that they wanted to be up in the morning.
At 6am, UK time, I got up and text them 'Good morning' thinking that (as 8am there) they would be up, probably have had or going to have breakfast... Instead, there was a slight delay in reply and then I discover that although Dad had set the alarm to wake them up, he'd been so busy changing the main time to the two hours ahead, he'd failed to noticed that he'd set the alarm for 6pm not 6am!
They had wanted to be up early. Both had slept in! They probably needed it as I know they left early for the airport the day before. Mum said if my text hadn't woken them, they might still be asleep! We did laugh!
Next Tuesday will be another adventure from their holiday!
Wow! Continuing with tales from my festive break away with my friend, X, today I am going to tell you about something that we saw. We arrive...
Initially written as a two-hundred words story for a competition and now slightly edited/extended. Hungry. Waiting. Hungry. Waiting. Wha...
Something a little different... For my blog this week, I review a book and provide an author interview. Enjoy! The Solstice Baby &...